Sunday, March 22, 2015

Year 4 Maths: Week 9

Today we will look at problem solving from this website.

Make sure you complete the following in your book:

Term 1 Reflection
The area of Maths I have enjoyed learning about  this term in Maths Cherries is __________ .
The area I need to improve in is __________.
My best time for speed test is: ________, and best accuracy is _______.
I give my bookwork ____ / 10 because I need to work on __________________.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Week 10: Year 2 Maths

- Today we will start with a multiplication dice game.

- We will work out the problem 'Find the Difference' using different problem-solving strategies.

- If we finish early we will work on Number Problems that use the strategies of 'Drawing a Picture' and 'Looking for a Pattern' here.

Week 9: Year 2 Maths

- Today we will start with a multiplication dice game.

- We will work out the problem 'Heads and Feet' using different problem-solving strategies.

- If we finish early we will work on Number Problems that use the strategies of 'Drawing a Picture' and 'Looking for a Pattern' here.

Week 8: Year 2 Maths

- Today we will start with a multiplication dice game.

- We will work out the problem 'Big Dog, Little Dog' using different problem-solving strategies.

- If we finish early we will work on Number Problems that use the strategies of 'Drawing a Picture' and 'Looking for a Pattern' here.

Year 4 Literacy: Week 8

Today we had a discussion about this commercial, in particular what this man's home would be like with or without giving, and some of the feelings, descriptive words and phrases associated with that.

We then updated our 'Home is...' charts and commenced drafting!

Year 4 Maths: Week 8

This week we will continute with the 4 x table.
This week we are looking at the Commutative Property for Multiplication. What do you think it means? A good explanation is here.


It's always fun hearing Maths explaned using cookie math!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Year 4 Maths: Week 7

This week we are looking at the 4 Times Table.
 A fun 4 times table shootout game is here.  

This week's Dice Game:
- Get into groups of 3
- Make a heading in your book: Multiplication Dice Game and add today's date.
- Each person takes their turn rolling the dice and multiplying the numbers.
- Go around the circle three times
- Add together your answers and the person with the highest score WINS!

This week we are looking multiplying one-digit numbers by multiples of ten.
Some information on teaching the concept is here.
Some problems for working out are here.
Further problems / Multiplication Bingo is here.

The Ants Go Marching is a 10 x multiplication game.

Multiplication Arrays - some information about teaching this concept is here, and a lesson is here.
Some more advanced information on arrays is here.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Year 3 Maths: Term 1 Lesson 4

 Starter: Today we will play Multiplication Bingo!

A Multiplication Bingo Pack can be accessed here.
More bingo cards can be found here.

The steps for playing:
  • Cut the problem cards on the dotted lines to create a deck for you to hold.
  • Make sure everyone has a bingo sheet. 
  • The teacher shuffles the problem deck. 
  • The teacher will call out an equation. Kids should solve the problem in their heads, then check their sheet to see if the answer is there. 
  • When a child has the answer her sheet, she can draw an "X" over it or place a counter on the correct box. 
  • The first player to have five correct answers in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally has "bingo!"

Year 3 Maths: Term 1 Lesson 3

Starter: Write down everything you know about the number 60!

Some helpful teacher information on Fermi Questions is available here.

Year 3 Maths: Term 1 Lesson 2


Starter: Today’s Number: 80

1.     Write in words

2.     Add 64

3.     Multiply by 5

4.     Minus 38

5.     Triple it

6.     Write a word problem

7.     10% of the number

8.     Halve it

9.     List the next three even numbers

10.   Divide by 10

11.   Add 17

12.   Draw it


Who was Fermi?

An example of a Fermi Question and how to go about solving it:

For teachers: A list of good Fermi Questions for year 3 students is available here.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Year 4 Literacy: Home is...

This week we will ask: 'What is home?'

A student's video project on 'What is home?'

What home means to an American military family:

The first 3-4min of this presentation is probably enough for Year 4, but some interesting ideas!

What does home:
- Feel like?
- Hears like?
- Smells like?

We will use this Y Chart to generate some ideas:

Words to think about:
- Connection
- Emotion
- Journey
- Place

- 'Home is a work in progress....'
- 'Is home a piece of soil, or a piece of soul?'
- 'Home is the place where you become yourself'

'Home is where my heart is...' is an annual photographic exhibition where homeless young people capture and exhibit images that discuss what home means to them.

Having trouble getting your thoughts out? Here are some interesting pointers!